Project Youth+ took a few students to Northwest Beauty School for an industry tour and a free service! We're so happy to have this partnership!
8 months ago, Rachel Garner
Andrea Manicure
Lila Manicure
NWC Presentation
NWC Tour
Tuesday manicure
Are you a senior this year or a junior who is going to graduate early?! Get prepared for college or trade school by filling out the FAFSA with us on January 22. Dinner and childcare will be provided! More information on the "news" section of our website.
8 months ago, Rachel Garner
Financial Aid Piggy
Do you ride route 10 to get to school? RVTD is stopping service, this morning, at Harry and David. Don't fear, we can come pick you up! Call the front office at 541-535-3287, we'll even let you pick the music.
8 months ago, Rachel Garner
snowy road
Guess what's back in the house at Armadillo...come add to the fun tomorrow (Thurs 1/4) when we are back in session. See you at, not pm. #armadillocharter
8 months ago, Armadillo Technical Institute
Summer points to chalk art on the wall
We're SO ready for you to come back on campus! See you all on Thursday, January 4!
8 months ago, Rachel Garner
Welcome Back
Last day before break had learning sprinkled with lots of fun! Gingerbread making, holiday house making, and candle dipping!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
gingerbread making
gingerbread making
holiday house making
holiday house making
candle making
Just a little holiday challenge... hook the candy canes from one beaker, then place them into the smaller beaker.
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
candy cane challenge
candy cane challenge
We're so excited to see you ON CAMPUS today!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Armadillo got an early holiday present - our new signs arrived!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
armadillo front sig
wall wrap installation
armadillo wall wrap
One more day of remote learning. THE CAMPUS IS OPEN for a workspace, wifi, breakfast & lunch, and conversation with staff. FLEX students follow your normally scheduled programming. We'll all be on campus Friday for a wonderful send-off to break!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Unfortunately, due to staff illness, our classes will be online, remote work. Campus is open if you'd like to work from here, get breakfast or lunch, or get some help on assignments. Note: FLEX students should follow their normal scheduling.
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
If you thought data tracking was boring, check again! Our math class is taking data tracking and charting to a whole new artistic level!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Math chart
Due to staff illness, our campus is going to online work today. Students, find your classwork on Google Classroom. Stay healthy everyone!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Did you get to the Grand Re-Opening this Saturday?! Summer, our past executive, and Lora, our Board Chair, had the honor of using the Phoenix Chamber of Commerce's comically large scissors to officially kick off the new era of Armadillo Community Charter School! Our community partner, pollinator project, was present and even Senator Jeff Golden stopped by! Thanks for all the support, hard work, and love from our valley community!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Large scissor cutting
Staff in front of door
Pollinator Project
Crowd for Grand Re-Opening
Ribbon Cutting
Students received an exclusive presentation from Jessica Murrey of Wicked Saints Studios. They learned about how a good story line can create true change in the real world, not just the gaming world.
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Wicked Saints Studio presentation
Students playing World Reborn
Students were able to visit SOU and take a campus tour and even meet up with some Armadillo Alumni who attend SOU currently. Thanks Project Youth+ for making this happen for our students!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Students in front of SOU sign
SOU Campus Tour
SOU Campus Tour
SOU Library Entrance
Don't miss our Open House - December 16 from 11-2 There will be a ribbon cutting and tours of our new facility! Come see what Armadillo is all about!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Armadillo Open House Flyer
Did you know Project Youth+ is going to take students to SOU for a tour?! Don't miss out on this awesome opportunity - fill out the permission forms TODAY!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
SOU Trip Flyer
Term 2 Conference are coming up on December 18! Don't miss out on this amazing opportunity to positively connect with our staff and hear about your student's progress. Start with your student's team leader & the rest will come to you - sign up today!
9 months ago, Rachel Garner
Term 2 Flyer
Students are learning about cement chemistry and making tiles for use around campus. We can't wait to see how they turn out!
10 months ago, Rachel Garner
students creating cement tiles
student etching cement tile
students creating cement