ACCS Staff and Alum posing for a picture outside of the school

About Us

Our Mission

At Armadillo Community Charter School (ACCS) we work together to equip people to reach their goals through community, equity, adaptability, and creativity.

Students working on computers

Diverse Staff and Students

Drawing from the entire Rogue Valley, our students and teachers provide an environment of acceptance and accountability. ACCS serves students of all academic levels; welcoming students who have never experienced difficulty in school and students who have yet to find success in a traditional school setting.

We offer curriculum and special education support that encourages our students to become critical thinkers, collaborators, and 21st century learners.

Small School, Big Results

ACCS is Southern Oregon’s oldest Public Charter School, and one of the first twelve schools chartered in Oregon.

ACCS is open to grades 9-12, offering accredited Oregon diploma and GED pathways to high school completion. Accreditation through Cognia.

ACCS is a public, tuition-free school, funded by State School Funds.

Students grades 9-12 will be admitted in an order prescribed by the State of Oregon and the current Charter. ACCS will not discriminate any student from enrollment from our school, in accordance with the law.

ACCS is a program created by staff, parents, students and the Phoenix-Talent School District. Our charter is an ongoing collaborative effort with the district to work toward a positive, beneficial learning environment for our students.

Individualized Instruction

ACCS is an intentionally small and highly personalized program offering creative student instruction. We have high academic standards and students are held accountable for achieving their own personal goals and success. Attitude is key. Our students are serious about their attendance, education, and shared community.

When students enroll in ACCS, their math, reading and writing skills are evaluated so they are properly placed in classes appropriate to their needs. Once in the program, all school work must meet state standards to be eligible for grades and credits. Our students have infinite opportunities to enhance completed work to meet these standards.

Incorporating Technology &

Hands-On Strategies

ACCS teaches 21st century computer literacy skills required for many careers. Our one-to-one computers and use of online learning platforms allows our students to delve into the technological realm and thrive.

We promote hands-on projects and activities to incorporate and stimulate a multitude of learning styles. Our students are part of real-world projects, field studies, and many of their hands-on projects can be seen around campus.

The ACCS Difference

ACCS is unparalleled in all of  Jackson County as we offer:

  • effective class sizes of 15-25 students

  • 1:1 student-to-computer ratio

  • personalized support programs for academic success

Commitment to student success is crucial. Our purpose is to help each student succeed academically, socially, and emotionally while gaining the confidence and skills needed to be successful beyond high school.

Please view our Student Handbook which provides a complete overview of our program. We don’t expect ACCS to be right for every student, but we hope it's right for you.

If you determine that ACCS is the place for you, get ready for an exciting journey through the world of new ideas guided by understanding teachers who are enthusiastic about your education.

For enrollment information, please click here.