The Pollinator Project stopped by to run lessons on local mason bees 🐝 We love our community partners!
4 months ago, Rachel Garner
Mason bee hive making
bee poster
Ashland Community Health Foundation awarded Armadillo funds to help with student health and community building. We can provide students with much needed personal care items, clothing for employment, and add Vape detectors to our campus because of their generosity! We couldn't be more thankful for our community partners' support. Photo credit to Bob Palermini
4 months ago, Rachel Garner
Ashland Community Health Foundation
Did you see Armadillo students representing their school and community partner connected learning at Scienceworks this weekend? Read the article:
4 months ago, Rachel Garner
Smokey Bear
We love our community partnerships! Check out this magazine cover from our connection with the United Way!
4 months ago, Rachel Garner
Alternative Times
It's CAMPING time! Don't let your student miss out on this credit earning, culture building, amazing opportunity. Head over to our website's homepage and click to "camping waiver" button OR scan the QR code. Need gear? Just call our front office and let us know. We've got you covered.
4 months ago, Rachel Garner
camping waiver
We couldn't be more proud of our Best of the Best artists.
4 months ago, Rachel Garner
studet artwor
It's teacher appreciation week! Share your favorite teacher story in our feed - let's tell our teachers how amazing they are!
4 months ago, Rachel Garner
Happy Teachers Week
Look what just went live on at our swag shop! Get yours TODAY! Visit OR just click the "swag shop" button at the bottom of our website!
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
Fire ecology is in full swing for 4th term! Just one of the classes making direct connections to issues in our valley.
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
ygoloce erif
See Armadillo student artwork on display at SOU in the Best of the Best Art Show. Starting with an opening reception this Friday!
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
Best of the Best
Stop by the growers market and pick up a reusable bag WITH ARMADILLO ON IT!
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
Don't forget to come to for Oregon Goes to College Night at 6pm! You'll have a free chance for a $1000 scholarship!
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
Armadillo is celebrating 5 graduates! They all worked so hard to get here & we look forward to continuing to celebrate their accomplishment for years to come!
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
Kenny grad
Kai grad
Marcus grad
Students received a private tour of Woman Kind art exhibition at Langford Studios with artist Beca Blake. And then had a private dance party with DJ Lex Stassi. Check out the art for yourself every Sunday. Fundraisers running for local organizations at the studio.
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
outside studio
art gallery
yarn art
dance party
owl of clay
woman kind poster
Our staff enjoyed the solar eclipse today. We're excited to see everyone back on campus tomorrow!
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
watching eclipse
Sarah eclipse
Check out this student artwork! We are so grateful our students can add a piece of their creative selves to our school ❤️ 🎨
5 months ago, Rachel Garner
mio by mural
Student engineers and builders spent a snowy day on Mt Ashland launching their sleds in the Dummy Downhill event. Frozen fun was had! #armadillocharter #learningbydoing #charterschool #dummydownhill #charterhighschool #mountashland
5 months ago, Summer Brandon
three students and one teacher work on a Mystery Machine sled in the snow on Mt Ashland
Four students pose with sleds outside
student walks up a hill with a sled, another student sits at the top ready to sled down a snowy hill
two students and a black dog sit in the snow
student lays on the ground and eats snow
makes a snow angel
people wait at the top of a snow slope to launch sleds
Mystery Machine sled upside down on a snowy slope as people watch
We love random acts of beautification!
6 months ago, Rachel Garner
rainbow stool
We noticed trash in the neighborhood, told our students, and they volunteered to be part of the solution! We ❤️ our armadillos!
6 months ago, Rachel Garner
trash pickup
clean neighborhood
Did you know that each year Mt. Ashland hosts the Dummy Downhill? Did you know that Armadillo students build and race each year?! Join us up on the mountain on March 30 for the judging and race.
6 months ago, Rachel Garner
Downhill dummy